Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography
Hans Maes (ed.) 2016
This essay collection will give the reader a fuller and deeper understanding of the commonalities and frictions between artistic and pornographic representations.

Queer European Cinema: queering cinematic time and space
Routledge, Leanne Dawson, 2015
The theme of this Studies in European Cinema special issue, combines two complex constructs: Europe and Queer.

Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures:
A Critical Anthology
Scott MacKenzie (ed.) 2014
Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures is the first book to collect manifestoes from the global history of cinema. Dirty diaries manifesto included.

After Pornified:
How women are transforming pornography & why it really matters
Anne G. Sabo, 2012
After Pornified: where female pornmakers lead the way, empowering women to claim their bodies and sex against a pornified culture.

Imagining Safe Space: The Politics of Queer, Feminist and Lesbian Pornography
Ingrid Ryberg, 2012
The thesis highlights a collective political fantasy about a safe space for sexual empowerment as the defining feature of this interpretive community.

Runkrullar och politik, feministisk pornografi: Intersektionella perspektiv och diskussion om begreppet
Uppsats av Louise Berg, Emelie Månsson och Erika Pohjanen, 2009
A Swedish essay that investigates if feminist pornography problematises and reveals power schemes other than gender and sexuality from an intersectional perspective.

Debatt: Rätt att ge skattepengar till feministporr, Aftonbladet
Aftonbladet, Marit Östberg,
5 September 2009

Nordegren och Epstein, P1, Pärlfiskarna hos Nordegren
Birgitta Stenberg om Dirty Diaries
3 September 2009